Monday, June 22, 2009

Home Made Valentines Day Gifts

spotcat @ 2009-06-22T17:59:00

'm back in aachen. Goofy on Saturday, and grad is all. sinceWednesday is our little prince, the cat away. he's just not come home. I called everywhere. he is not available as roadkill. not at the shelter. Just nowhere. We have searched him and called. nothing. the mood is depressed accordingly.

Monday, June 1, 2009

How Does Cm Look Before Period

spotcat @ 2009-06-01T20:34:00

Yes it is again so far. Friday was my last Unitag for this semester and thus this academic year. I'm sort in the 6th year. Well another exam are, then I am in the 6th:)
Last week the final zahnis have had. frightening because it also means that the next graduation ceremony and then it's my turn to say "dr anna Sienkiewicz" I may stumble onto the stage and pick up my diploma. frightening if I may say so.
I can not believe that this year is almost at. feels not like that. to celebrate my Friday group was eating sushi together. wirklcih was beautiful.
and there remains the question of what comes after the diploma .... and somehow I still have no answer. I do not know where and what I want. England, Germany, Switzerland ??!?!?!?! who knows the already entscheided and how to get around?
on the weekend we were at a infoverstaltung about england. be the first time probably take attacked.

it makes me really afraid. We must look well a new study:)