Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pokemon Vba Trading System Mac


Today I was exploring the surrounding area.
A block down is for quite a shopping street (yes that is open on Sundays).
For the road is the cool control that between 3 and 6 clock may not pass through the afternoon no cars. There stand warning signs in the middle of the road.


Des here is n sweet little neighborhood, pretty much without foreigners I believe. However, I can really distinguish Japanese net of other Asians.

Cool is that rumstehn everywhere vending machines where you can buy cheap what to drink. With all I mean about every 5 m (no exaggeration)


The shopping area looks like


Although I grad mal n few days because I feel I am still here somehow not unfamiliar, though I can neither read nor understand what the people around me.

And last but not n little puzzle for you. What sells this store?



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