Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How To Store Sushi Grade Tuna


34 weeks later ^ _ °

Sobin Chozebus I now what is the way Cottbus. In the language of the Sorbs indicated: x

I study here at the wonderful magnificent Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus. Well .. I am not yet enrolled: /
is the moment's in the previous semester to learn everything again, or to call to forget literally what seems important to study .. what virtually all logic and set theory is funny .. I say to you /

least I have my own room. And because the
Währe too beautiful, it is practically the Innenausstaung held in the Bauhaus style (Spartan equipment is not mind!) (Drive you crazy) with a reassuring white on the walls.

But that's still far too great, because you could even get used, so the Gebäube end of September closed (only 10 years to do anything and then wonder why the renovation is so expensive: /)

I hope until then has the students work an apartment / room for me ^ _ °

Abrer the worst is .. .. not have internet because I only Akufen mont as can and I am only 2.5 weeks in this house, so I live without and go to the library.

But in the new apartment, which I then years would inhabit, as I get it to me then (need!)
not even the TV card in the Pc has received here
o_o I miraculously escaping but in berlin: \u0026lt;

naja .. see you soon ^ _ °


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