Saturday, September 15, 2007

Phoenix Mutual Insurance

The little things in life ..

(1) We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.

I used to be more of a Star Trek opponents more and preferred the Star Wars series. Why is that so had no idea ^ _ ° I also think that it was generally the case that you were either Trecki or Sw-trailer. .. But somehow had to I view the movies, which currently run and the eighth part is really very interesting because the Borg find it simply amazing and their history and Inzenierung.
But I think the serial .. I'll never look (niemals!). But who knows .. some races of the Star Trek universe, which would irritate me more, occur only in the series, which drives me safely back later to look at the (but surely not every series and its offshoots .. so nerdy I am but not o_o).

(2) At home nowhere and everywhere .. I'm

times this weekend to house home-made chilli con carne to enjoy (somehow I love meat!) And to watch television and surf the net and i-erm post pick.
Oh .. and to see my parents (: x).
Nevertheless, it is time to sleep again in nice big bed, because the beds in dormitories are rather small ..: /
But actually I came mainly to them, the new data and funds for my immediate and permanent housing reported. And what happened .. I leave the letter in the dorm; \u0026lt;
But what is strange, the feeling is soon to be permanently on, which can not all clutter, one has collected over the years, put down somewhere and forgotten, now has not can take because you have not much space. So life is sorted into memorable and forgotten. Since there are a lot of stuff, what follows on either years has sought, or never find wollte.Da before it creeps me: /

(3) Iron Maiden

Somehow I get the idea germinates in, (listening to music) the musical development of my person to argue, but einandernmal must happen: o

I can only say, I love this British for Iron Maiden. I can only agree if someone defined the early years of Iron Maiden's creative path as the epitome of metal. As for her current progressive phase ... I'm ambivalent on the one hand I'm very inclined toward the other, I sometimes find the robust metal from the past. I believe with Iron Maiden I've found a new favorite band that I almost to my idols would include (if I had the idols o_O). Who put the question to the best of anyone, or album title would, because I had to think long, but generally I say .. many more live songs sound much better, which is due to the nature of Iron Maiden, what is there, the band DSSS a lot of help, such as choir, etc. omitted.
Where I look at just a lot of live performances, some people should wear long hair, some do not compare to .. just the beginnings of some bands and then today (sometimes comically from Manowar see xD). But I come from the subject .. I need the live DVD's from Iron Maiden (AND STRESSES ME WHY That fucking spelling program IRON MAIDEN AND RED ON NOT?) This had be said once! Best
title say .. hard .. but "Como Estais Amigos" comes close dran.aber there are a zillion other that appeal to me like "Paschendale" or "Fear of the Dark" (where I currently to the latter as Favourite tend ^ _ °)

(4)? ? ?

What is missing? I do not know ... we get upset at times that we are no better with our mind, so we offer dozens of magazines by whether effective or not. But we must not forget (no pun!) How quickly we were on the ground or burst our memory would be when there is no forgetting. Remember any "shit" would probably not even remotely desirable

why I write about it? I can not remember o_O

(5), for reading!

I must say .. the issue of the Geo 80 August 2007 and October 10, 2007 edition like me until now the best in the entire geographic range. I mean, I did not know that the world is peaceful. I knew nothing of the report, which says how many conflicts and wars come to an end and gone (The report is two years old: /). The media give us only a false image, because they have more conflicts, wars, assassinations and the like report, because only brings the audience (that's Entertaiment!). I remember nurmal to Iraq war 2004th This was war, with destruction and murder ago at 20:15 clock.
The theme of this month's issue is justice. But I've never read enough to form a conclusion. But justice shalt not only be achieved through control and coercion, as it promotes selfishness more than one trust. An examples is an experiment with a lot of strangers who form a second group. One before a glass wall, behind the others. Only receive a 100 € and must decide how much he makes. The other man does not know how much money the other, but he has to reject the possibility, then both players walk away empty-handed. It is important that both probably would have never wiedersehen.Nach view of the business economists, who make the money less on the others. But 50% each filed half the money.
If no money, but was determined to head, this could now demand a certain amount, like 20 €. This constraint made the money to the egoist that he had voluntarily given a lot more, but now he is only the lot • amount.
be great ^ _ °

Hmm just a little much .. but hey
night ^ _ °


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